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MSP in School of Pharmacy

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The MSP Scholars Program in Pharmacy (MPSP) offers financial and academic support to high-achieving pharmacy students. MPSP scholars can take advantage of enhanced faculty advising, peer support and social opportunities for a more enriching academic experience. Students participating in the MSP Scholars Program within the School of Pharmacy can also apply for funding assistance to attend professional meetings locally, throughout the United States and abroad.

Pharmacy Services & Requirements

Students receive an annual scholarship, in addition to opportunities to apply for funding assistance to attend professional meetings locally, throughout the United States and abroad.

One-on-one meetings with program staff. These meetings are a time to focus on:

  • Academic feedback and planning
  • Academic advising
  • Time and crisis management
  • Financial aid, internship, and job opportunities
  • Career exploration
A photograph of Tamela Smith

"I would like to thank MSP for the generous travel scholarship for the National Community Pharmacists Association 2018 National Convention. The trip was very rewarding and I cannot express enough how beneficial this convention was toward my educational and professional career in pharmacy. I would characterize my experience as educational, empowering and motivating."

Tamela Smith
MSP Scholar in Pharmacy

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